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Summary published at 9/16/2024

Note-Taking Organization in Obsidian

πŸ“š Taking notes is essential, but organizing them is equally important. Here’s how to effectively organize your notes in Obsidian.

Methods for Organizing Notes

πŸ“ Folders: Use folders to categorize notes. However, a note can only exist in one folder, which can limit organization. For example, literature notes go into a Readwise folder, while personal interpretations go into a Books folder.

πŸ”— Links: Create connections between notes using links. This is useful for notes with similar meanings, even if they don’t belong in the same category.

#️⃣ Tags: Use tags for system-related notes. For instance, a TVZ tag can mark notes that need processing.

πŸ“Š Metadata: Utilize metadata for organizing notes, combining folders, links, and tags to visualize your knowledge base.

The LATCH System

πŸ—‚οΈ LATCH stands for Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, and Hierarchy. This system helps in organizing and retrieving notes effectively.

1. Location

πŸ“ Use links and metadata to track where a note was created, especially for role-playing games.

2. Alphabet

πŸ”€ Organize notes alphabetically in folders. Use the Quick Switcher for faster access to notes.

3. Time

πŸ•’ Keep track of time using links and metadata. Use calendar plugins to find notes based on dates.

4. Category

πŸ“‚ Use links and metadata for semantic connections. Create maps of content (MOCs) for related notes.

5. Hierarchy

πŸ” Use metadata and links to explore parent notes when searching for a specific note.


πŸ“ Start taking notes without worrying about perfect organization. Use methods that make sense to you and adjust as needed. Utilize Quick Switcher and Obsidian Search for easy retrieval.

πŸŽ₯ For more insights on note processing, check out related videos.

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