👽 Witnesses claim there could be alien life visiting Earth and that the US military has spent decades recovering unexplained objects to enhance its technology.
📧 Timothy Gallade, an American oceanographer, testified about an email he received in **2015** as the US Navy's chief meteorologist. The email warned of multiple near midair collisions and included a video of a UAP captured by a Navy aircraft. The next day, the email was deleted from his account. He also mentioned a disc-shaped object captured in **2017** that was not shared with Congress, describing it as a non-human higher intelligence.
📰 Michael Shellenberger, a journalist, claimed that intelligence communities possess vast amounts of high-resolution visuals of UAP, far beyond the typical fuzzy photos and videos.
🚀 Michael Gold, a former NASA administrator, urged the agency to invest in tailored tools for UAP research.
🕵️♂️ Louis Alzando, a former military intelligence official, accused authorities of decades of excessive secrecy regarding UAP reports. He stated that the mysterious objects often outmaneuver US military aircraft and operate beyond known human technology capabilities. He emphasized that this secrecy has led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants and the public, all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos.
🗣️ The recent **2-hour hearing** has strengthened the belief among theorists that the government is concealing the truth about UAP from the public. While the witnesses' accounts did not provide definitive proof, they indicate that authorities are taking the topic seriously, suggesting that this hearing will not be the last.