Youtube Video

Summary published at 12/26/2024

🛏️ You're lying in bed at 12:00 a.m. with class in the morning, knowing you need to sleep. But you think, "one last scroll." You open your phone and get lost in Instagram.

📱 Before you know it, it's 12:30 and you're searching for that perfect video. It takes you 1 hour and 23 minutes to find it, and just 35 seconds to finish. Now you regret it, realizing you've wasted nearly 2 hours of your life.

😔 This isn't just about one night; it's a cycle. If you're struggling to control your urges, especially regarding lust, it's affecting your life negatively. Here's how to desexualize your brain and gain self-control.

🔄 Instead of stopping all at once, lean into your habit for a few days. Give yourself permission to indulge. By the third or fourth day, the excitement will fade, and you'll feel the emptiness behind the habit.

📝 Pay attention to your urges. Write down three things: when it happens, where you are, and why you feel the need to give in. Most people fall into this trap due to boredom, stress, or loneliness.

🔍 Identify your triggers. Maybe it's the quiet of the night or the boredom of lying in bed. Once you have a clear list, avoid these triggers. For example, if the urge hits at 9:00 p.m. when you're alone and bored, plan an engaging activity.

🔄 Habits are wired into your brain and don't disappear overnight, but you can replace them. Use this time to plan a replacement habit that provides a healthy dopamine boost without guilt. Consider starting a new hobby, reading, or solving puzzles.

🌱 Remember, this isn't about being perfect. Each time you resist the urge or replace it with something better, you're taking a small step forward. Those small steps add up. Next time you feel that pull at 12:00 a.m., remember: it's not about willpower; it's about choice.

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