👋 Host: Tanya Goldberg, Instructional Designer at the Center for Online and Continuing Education.
👩🏫 Guest: Dr. Michelle Vaughn, Associate Professor at the College of Education, Graduate Coordinator for Master's Programs.
🎓 The session highlights faculty who have created innovative courses using technology.
🌍 Dr. Vaughn has over 10-12 years of experience in action research, focusing on the impact of technology on teaching.
💻 Dr. Vaughn transitioned to online teaching at Florida Virtual School, where she oversaw course development in English Language Arts.
🔄 Dr. Vaughn emphasizes the need to adapt teaching methods for online learning, as the modalities are different.
📝 Dr. Vaughn uses authentic assessments to enhance knowledge transfer and reduce high-stakes testing.
📈 Frequent assessments provide better data on student understanding and allow for timely feedback and support.
🤖 Dr. Vaughn discusses the role of AI in leveling the playing field for students and enhancing learning experiences.
📸 Dr. Vaughn incorporates photo voice assignments to connect students' real-life experiences with course content.
🌐 Students conduct presentations on global issues, allowing for deeper exploration and peer teaching.
🔍 This assignment encourages students to compare educational issues globally, fostering a broader understanding of challenges and solutions.
👏 The session concludes with an invitation for questions and further discussion on integrating technology in education.