Youtube Video

Summary published at 9/26/2024

🐾 Be nice, kid, nice hands. Finished? Are you going to play with water? Fernando! Gentle.. Oh! We don't put our fingers in our friends' mouths. Okay, just use your words.

🗣️ Listen, use your words and say mine first. Uh-oh. Lindan, we don't bite. There is more over there in the shelf.

🔄 Now it will spin around.. zoom there it goes. Now it works. Torren, Niko is using it right now. There, now it spins around. He fixed it. He fixed it real good.

🐰 Mm hmm, and the bunny, oh and you fixed the bunny and you shortened the strings. I see. Nice. So you want to show me how it works?

🏇 Are you done? Because I think Torn might wanna play with it a little more. You're not done. Okay. Oh, you're gonna ride a horse?

🪨 Marion took his rocks and was going on a hunt with them. Trut trut trut trut trut Little Ponies Trut.

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