Youtube Video

Summary published at 9/27/2024

🍏 CI App Overview: The CI app counts calories and macronutrients by taking a picture of your meal. It's priced at €4.58 per month.

📊 Competitor Pricing:

  • Kell SK AI: €5 per month (lifetime purchase available)
  • Caler Mama: Cheaper but less reliable

App Ratings:

  • Kell SK AI: 4.8 out of 5 (23 reviews)
  • CI: 4.8 out of 5 (232 reviews)
  • Caler Mama: 4.8 out of 5 (26 reviews)

🏋️‍♂️ Features:

  • Track exercise and adjust daily calories.
  • Save frequently used foods for easy access.
  • Scan barcodes or food labels for quick entry.

🔍 Accuracy: The app may have minor inaccuracies but is generally reliable for quick meal tracking.

🍽️ Conclusion: CI app is convenient for those who prefer not to manually log meals. It's user-friendly and saves time.

💬 Feedback: Share your thoughts or requests for further tests in the comments!

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